Sunday 4 March 2007

Sunny Saturday…for a few hours anyway

Saturday morning dawned with a sunny smile that developed into a proper grin by 10 am. And M and I were out the back door like horses from the starting gate, he with the camera, me with the gardening basket; our target – all the flowering thingies and the rocks by the drive.

The Snowdrops have been up for over a month but for some reason we never got around to taking their picture before. They are a pretty variety with lovely double underskirts marked with green but very short – only six to eight inches tall. The Daffodils on the South wall were up and showing buds by the middle of January – at one stage I thought they would be flowering in the snow (mind you they still might be – Arrrgh)!

Snowdrops growing in the lawn – Shrew view
(try saying that a few times, very fast)

Daffodils at the South wall

There are stacks of unidentifiable bulbs coming up all over the garden. A lot of them are Bluebells (so I’ve been told) but there are also many unknowns out there. We’re not going to do too much of anything until we have discovered what we’ve got.

Focused work for just on an hour revealed the outline of the “Rockery” and also many bulbs coming up along the top edge…they appear to be dwarf Daffs but we’ll have to see. It’s quite a small section – about 4 metres long and a metre high at its tallest point – and I just wanted to get rid of the grass and dead leaves to see what’s what. A cloud full of tiny, icy hailstones drove us back inside before we were properly finished and the ‘after’ photo will have to wait for another burst of sunshine. The rain tried really hard to make up for lost time, although it started to clear well before the lunar eclipse but we were just too bushed and conked out long before it happened! Don’t even know if it was visible from our place, so much for any latent journalistic tendencies.

The Rocks by the drive – what rocks?
This morning the wind was blowing cold from the North again, getting stronger and stronger and eventually the rain started coming down. We decided today that the old rhyme definitely fits this weekend:
Spring is not the best of seasons.
Cold and flu are two good reasons;
wind and rain and other sorrow,
warm today and cold tomorrow.
~Author Unknown

The ducks on the loch and the gulls seem to be enjoying the weather! It’s wonderful to have computers (and the Internet), fires and hot coffee, what a lovely way to spend a lazy Sunday.


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