Tuesday 16 January 2007

It Takes a Lot of Eider to Make a Down?...

The weather had the last word over the weekend when the Internet connection kept failing everytime the wind blew. This had started on Thursday but only for the worst gusts and gradually became worse and worse until by Sunday we had virtually no connectivity at all! A quick survey of the neighbours determined that this was our problem and ours alone, so Monday we called for HELP and it arrived this morning. New lines, box cover and some tree trimming later, we are back on line and I am going to catch up with my reading tonight. I really missed all my favourite blogs! But first there's a little something (please excuse the poor picture - I forgot I have a zoom) I want to share...

These camera shy Eider ducks are some of our closest neighbours. This group normally live about a half mile up the Loch, and have a gentle cooing call that is both question and answer; “ah-ooo”. The males are very smart with their black and white plumage enlivened by a pale greenish nape whereas the females are in basic brown camouflage to keep them safe while incubating the eggs. They are Common Eider Ducks and give their name to the lovely, cosy Eiderdowns of yesteryear that were made from the warm, soft down the females use to line their nests.
Although, harvesting the down is sustainable and does not harm the birds, use of Eider down has been largely replaced with commercial goose down and synthetic materials. What a shame; I remember my Grandmothers’ Eiderdowns (part of her Trousseau), one over each bed and an extra one to wrap in when more cosseting was needed. Snuggled into the sofa wrapped in one of those, covered in the beautiful faded florals of a thousand Edwardian gardens, scented with home grown lavender, was warmth, comfort and an indefinable peace. I think we have forgotten many subtleties of how to live and how to nurture our families and ourselves. It’s a shame that so much quality-of-life has to be lost in the name of progress.


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